Bots beep boop

Discord bots that I have worked on, including some publicly usable ones.

Some of the bots I've made for Discord, usually for utility or moderation. There's even more I've written for personal things (34k scam sites logged 😔)


Not a bot, but a bot framework built on Discord.js. Used in all my bots, it handles interaction/event registering, routing, and handling, massively simplifying building modular bots. Publicly available, but is mainly meant for personal use.

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Drawing of an otter floating in water


A public utility and moderation bot, filled with tools I've needed (and made) over the years

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A private version of RobotOtter, which I personally use for moderation tasks. Usually the same as RobotOtter, but occasionally holds more 'experimental' or bleeding-edge features

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Flowey from Undertale looking at a computer monitor in disgust, saying 'Sicko!'


Uses my booru package to search up 15 different boorus directly from within Discord

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Art of a Bulbasaur, a blue Pokemon with 4 stubby legs and a green flower bud on it's back


Pull Pokemon info and (useful) trivia and posts it on Discord

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